Since all I do these days is write and write and write, I have been horrible at keeping up my blog. But this week something super special is happening. On December 2nd, the most monumental event in world history took Momma was born! I know everyone thinks their mom is the greatest so I'm not going to post a whole thing on why she is the best mom in the world, but she is the greatest mom in the world for me and my sibs and this is why:
1. She always let us be ourselves. Most little girls like to dress up and play barbies, but she let me rock ridiculous outfits and play with my Buzz Lightyear action figure instead.
2. She supported us in whatever we wanted to do. From soccer to basketball to football to piano to water polo to male stripping, she was there for us through it all.
3. She always made the holidays fun. She literally decorated our house for every single holiday and did it while wearing hip 90's workout attire.
4. She has a great taste in pajamas.
5. She held our hands when we were nervous for the first day of school.
6. She always took us to do fun things.
7. She makes us laugh.
8. She is a dang good cook. I can't even really remember having a calm and quiet evening dinner because we always had friends stopping by to eat her food.
9. She lets us tease her about being a granola/utard
10. She was always a mom first, but I can call her a best friend too.
And there are so many other things that make our mom awesome. As I have gotten older (yes, I'm no longer a teen so I can call myself old) I have noticed all the things I have picked up from her because I look up to her so much.
I now:
- refrigerate my batteries
- cook with the dish towel on my shoulder
- drive like I'm competing in a NASCAR race. Always.
- speed walk everywhere even if I'm not in a hurry
- stiff arm the person in the passenger seat when I slam on the breaks
- find running enjoyable
- hate the word 'surreal'
- love Bon Jovi
- refuse to get in water below 80 degrees
- like watching HGTV
- will not drink out of a restaurant cup without a straw
- and so much more.
Basically, mom is the greatest. She is soooo beyond patient and I love her so much. Happy 28th birthday Mom!