Friday, July 15, 2011

Grandpa Knows Best

Yes, another shout out to another important boy in my life.  This one is a little different though.  After we got engaged, I sorta kinda got bombarded with text messages and phone calls to congratulate me and hear “the story.”  I am really bad at ‘getting back’ to people so why not get it all out in a post.  I figured since Porter is turning 22 on Sunday, why not tell our little story in a blog update.

Porter first grabbed my attention was I was a junior in high school.  I read his article in the New Era (I admit, I only picked it up because I thought it was an SI).

I thought he had a really cool story, but it was just one of those things you read about and get a warm feeling inside.  Needless to say life went on.  When I was moving out to Provo, I stayed with grandparents for a few days before I could get into my new apartment.  I was watching Sports Center with my Grandpa Gale when he asked me if I had ever heard of the one-armed LDS baseball player.  He told me that he worked with the young man’s Aunt and that he was going to be attending BYU.  He then brought out the old 2008 New Era and told me to look him up at school.  I distinctly remember audibly laughing at the idea of running into this kid.  “Grandpa,” I said, “there are some 30,000 students at BYU.  I will NEVER find that guy.”  He simply smiled as if he knew something I didn’t, set the magazine down next to me, and went off to bed.  I re-read the magazine and once again left it at that.

Fast forward to the end of fall semester.  I was sitting in my apartment one night watching Sports Center (I swear I do other things besides watch ESPN) when someone knocked on the door.  My roommate got up and answered the door and then invited the visitor inside.  I don’t even think I looked up from the T.V. when he asked me if I had any fast offerings to donate.  “Nope,” I said, “I turned it in with my tithing.”  He then followed up with another question about my Tennessee basketball shorts.  A tad irritated that someone was interrupting my date with Sports Center, I looked over at him and I knew I had seen him somewhere before.  We tried to figure it out for a second and then I saw he was missing an arm.  “Were you the kid on the New Era?” I asked.  He shyly acknowledged that he was.  We then had an hour conversation about all of our favorite teams, players, etc.  It didn’t take long after that night for us to become friends.  We went to ball games together, shot around, and debated sports as often as we could.  We started to date and it got even better from there. ***Shout out to my roommate R-beck who was with us during every phase of our relationship and without her, probably would have never happened.***

I remember telling my family I was dating Porter and immediately the Facebook and YouTube stocking began.  Kirk thought how he played ball was legit, Rylee, of course, found every flaw she could, and Derek just seemed like he wanted me to be happy.  I started to go with Porter to his inspirational speaking engagements and so when he had to speak at his nephews baptism, I agreed to go to that too.  This meant I was meeting the fam.

Timeout: Porter has 6 kids in his family.  5 girls.  If you are bad at math that means Porter is the ONLY boy.

Game on: I was super nervous.  I had been told that dating an only boy was dangerous.  In fact, I had personally witnessed the demolishing of a girl who was dating a boy who had all sisters. His sisters tore her up.  On top of that, Porter had told me they were all super tough.  So yep, I was scared.

I met Monique first.  I remember going to her apartment in Vegas. Porter was teasing me a little bit and it was in my nature to fire back a witty comment.  I paused after I said it thinking, “oh crap, his sister is going to hate me,” only to have her start busting up and continue to give Porter a hard time.  She was legit and it only got easier from there.  All of his sisters were so beyond nice to me.  And to my astonishment, his parents were even more kind.  They welcomed me into their home as if I was on of their own.  They were one of the most amazing families I had ever met.  Falling in love with Porter was easy and falling in love with his family was even easier.

As things progressed, it came time for Porter to ask my dad for “permission.”  We took a trip out to GB for Derek’s graduation and after an extremely long interview, Porter got my dad’s blessing.  There were quite a few people who were nervous for Porter when they found out he was going to talk to my dad (including myself).  Why you ask?  Probably because I know my dad cares about me a whole heck of a lot and he can be a little bit intimidating.  I recall watching “Father of the Bride” with him on several occasions and every single time he cried in it, dreading the day his daughters would get married.  For those of you who haven’t seen it, it is most definitely a comedy and you are only supposed to cry from laughing super hard, not because it is sad.  I was relieved that Porter got his permission and it was comforting to know that all my dad cared about is that I was going to be cared for.  When we got back to Provo, I called to let my mom know we had arrived safely.  When I went to hang up she said to me, “you really couldn’t have picked a better young man.”  She was right.  Then again, she always is.

We went back out to Granite Bay after spring term and made our way down to San Francisco for a Giants game.  Rylee and her best friend Cierra tagged along.  Porter had been acting super weird for a couple of days, but I assumed he was just sad because I would be leaving for two months to go work out in D.C.  After the game we walked down this walkway in the stadium where the San Francisco Bay is on one side and the field is on the other (my two favorite things on both sides…the ocean and sports).  I turned to look out over the field and point something out to Porter and when I turned back around…boom, there he was down on one knee.  I said yes and on the two-hour drive home I don’t think I could have stopped smiling if I had tried and Rylee couldn’t stop talking about how she wanted a pretty bridesmaid dress.

That puts us back up to speed.  We are getting married April 28th, which will be plenty of time to plan a killer wedding.  I probably have the best wedding planning crew ever.  I have Rylee, who faithfully watches ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ and has already created a “wedding to-do list.” I have my mom who does a great job planning EVERYTHING. Then there are my mom’s “bridge” friends who have already volunteered to help out. I am pretty confident in saying it will be one heck of a party.  I probably couldn’t be more excited to spend forever with my best friend.  I think as long as we don’t play one on one or ping-pong against each other too often, we will be one happy couple.  There has never been a person who has made me want to be better like Porter has.

Moral of the story?  Listen to your Grandpa’s words of wisdom because they pick out excellent husbands.  My Grandpa is one of the most incredible men I have ever met and I am so blessed to have him and my Grandma as examples in my life.  I remember telling my Grandma one day that when I grew up I wanted to marry someone just like grandpa.  She smiled and gently explained to me that Grandpa wasn’t “that way” when she married him.  As amazing as Porter is right now, I don’t doubt that he will continue to become an even more incredible person.

Happy birthday Port, love ya.


  1. We've lived across the street from the elletts and I'm best friends with porters oldest sister, you are going to be part of probably the best family EVER! Porter's pretty amazing too! Congrats and congrats to porter!!!! :)
